Monday, December 20, 2010

kuro ; black , neko;cat

hha,thanks to my holiday adventures*(by means of venturing to the world of anime),now i learned some new japaneese words.but my vocab for japan only inclucludes abt 5 phrases onli,,nothing to be proud of.hhah

but still i prove that nothing we do is completely useles,we just have not find the appropriate usage for it yet.


arrrghh,stupid blog

i dot know why but my blog don't follow my instructions.urgh,i want certain font for certain post and instead "it" gave me gibberish font's and colour.humph.

*kicking my blog's arse

font,colour and size

for normal writing use ; times,normal,black
for quotes ; times,bold,normal,orange*(subject to change)

yess,i need these outlines for my it looks perfect and preppy.i'm kind of a perfectionist in a way.everything needs to be kinda precise and bla2.

but in a way i like the world and myself to be imperfect.because imperfection is what make us human normal.such as abnormalities n such-such.nobody's perfect,even after multiple plastic surgery,they just became more abnormal n in a way,make em normal.

so in a way,i shall allow this blog to be imperfect.hhah.imperfect spelling spills out ur emotion when writing,imperfect composition shows how you think and imperfect grammar shows ur not some grammar freak.heeh

p/s ; Raz,cuz of u i've been updating my blog derr.hha

the crpt issue

I lay this issue "equalising crpt with carpet" forbidden to be talked.hha.

crpt*(see-arggh-pee-tea) is merely the 4 letter words that came out of my simple thinking brain*(sometimes) one fine evening when the facebook account settings says that my name dont comply with standard usage of names*(from my perception,i totally forgot what it really says)

before,i used a korean version of "cullen"*(damn,my scret's out) and this dosn't bother anyone with high levels of enquiry in thier f-barin*(not a typo error).so i hope the audience understand me when i say "crpt not equals to any of ur imaginations,ha"

i hope this proposal is approved and i put this issue to rest

p/s ; i know this will only appeal to my current two of my blog followers*(not my mom and my cat).

personal shit

"when a mirror has been broken,shattered pieces scattered on the ground
glimpses of new life reflected all around"

yeah,that words came from one of the ost for spirited away,one of Hayao Miyazaki's pieces. A brilliant one actually.and yeah,,throughout this holiday i've been none other than anime hunting n creativity seeking.hha.

I became addicted with Miyazaki's's soo creative and out of this world.but so far i have only3 of them,,pity me.
and during this same wicked holiday season i tried to be productive and try to not laze around but it all came to this one phrase "hot,hot chicken shit".at first it was ok but later on i became myself again.i became the PIG adam*(and my room do look like a pig sty).this actually proves that put me wherever u want and i will not loose myself*(in a 30% good and 70% bad way.ghee)

p/s*(personal shit) ;i have 6 posters to construct.forces of mee