Monday, December 20, 2010

the crpt issue

I lay this issue "equalising crpt with carpet" forbidden to be talked.hha.

crpt*(see-arggh-pee-tea) is merely the 4 letter words that came out of my simple thinking brain*(sometimes) one fine evening when the facebook account settings says that my name dont comply with standard usage of names*(from my perception,i totally forgot what it really says)

before,i used a korean version of "cullen"*(damn,my scret's out) and this dosn't bother anyone with high levels of enquiry in thier f-barin*(not a typo error).so i hope the audience understand me when i say "crpt not equals to any of ur imaginations,ha"

i hope this proposal is approved and i put this issue to rest

p/s ; i know this will only appeal to my current two of my blog followers*(not my mom and my cat).