Tuesday, January 18, 2011

guardian protector

thanks to naniey,ive tried this quizz,and god itsnt it 80% accurate,,so this is what it told bout me,happy reading ;

You are observant, cooperative, informative, and attentive. You are greatly concerned with the security of others and you often find assisting the downtrodden or people with disabilities to be satisfying. You also find personal fulfillment in ensuring the safety of others and may be attracted to jobs that enable you to do this as a medical practitioner or insurance agent. You are also quite skilled at executing routines and this enables you to be skillful in jobs that require conservation skills such as a curator or police officer. You are thorough, frugal and you abhor the squandering of material resources.

You are comfortable working alone and you are often uncomfortable being in positions of authority. When you are in positions of authority, you often try to do everything yourself. You have a very strong work ethic and this can lead you to be overworked. The least hedonistic of the role variants, you are willing to complete jobs other role variants manage to avoid, especially if it enables you to help those in need.

You often talk about daily life and every day concerns; however, you are not as sociable as other role variants. You tend to be talkative only among a close circle of friends. Your shyness with strangers can make you seem to be cold even though you are often warm and sympathetic. You are often undervalued as your commitment to security and your economies are often taken for granted.

You value traditional ways of doing things and are not interested in experimentation or speculation. You deeply value family history, heirlooms and property as well as cultural norms and traditions. You firmly believe in the stability offered by credentials, titles, offices, birth and other forms of traditional authority. You dislike situations where the rules are constantly changing.

Famous Protectors include George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Stewart, and Mother Teresa.

forget waiting,just take it.

the following event happens last Wednesday.

i go to buy some food at the hospital's store near "farmasi pesakit luar".and in my usual morning mood i sat down and ate my rm2 bread with nescafe black roasted coffee.lots of things passed through my mind as i doze away in this normal morning.

about halfway finishing my morning delicacy,a female stranger sat beside me,well she is beside me exept for the fact that my so called "near" is about 3-4 seats away from me.but stil,i can see her flawless skinned son exited,jumping around excitedly.then i kind of stared.the kind of stare that will make you think that i'm a pedophile.actually i was waiting for her son to look and me n i will give him my award winning smile,together with the simple-introductory "HI" with a little wave of hand from left to right.then i'll begin talking with the mother asking "how old is he","how does he get so fat*(a cute kind of fat)", and some statements that say that he is super cute.but as always,the expected reality is not the same as the real reality.he never looked at me,even a glance is so hard to catch.

part two happen directly after with a very diffrent protagonist.firstly the gender was diffrent,skin colour and obviously percentage of fat.but what she had that i din't have is that she came directly to the little boy the same way an eagle will to approach its prey.she didn't wait for a que and start touching the boy as if he is her own son.although the boy didn't respond and the mom left moments later*(maybe she felt annoyed,i'll do to if she was touching mine out of the blue) but the way this female lead actress do things sets me thinking.

i waited for the right moment to act and she just do it,maybe that's the long lost confidence that i've been searching for.i usually wait for people to approach me,give a green light and then I'll respond accordingly.waiting instead of just plunging towards nowhere.i was afraid to put myself on the map and i kind of felt related with the quote from easy a movie that says "if i was a 16 story tower,even google earth couldn't find me on the map" .maybe i should just take chances and stop calculating succes and failures and just be ready for failures as the teach us more in life than success will ever do.

so this should be put in my 2011 missions along with update my blog regularly,make my skin better,towards a healthy diet and be a good son*piiyyahh.

p/s;two or three posts more and i'll make this blog permeable to my friends,let them know that i have a blog.and that action accounts for one of my missions in 2011 that is to take chances;)

by the way,i've been too preachy lately,,pifft

Monday, January 17, 2011

i look at the brits,i love the japaneese but still i love to be a malaysian.

"hujan batu di negeri sendiri,hujan emas di negara orang,lebih baik hujan batu,,blah3!"

ok,,ternyata aq lupaa peribahasa yang aku cuba ungkapkan kat atas.but still,after more than 10 years of hearing that idiom and using it every time i wrote a BM essay,still i didn't understand what it means.

well for starters,if there is a choice between taking the free rocks and the shining-worth-a-lot gold,,i will still choose the latter instead of the gray colored rocks.but i will sure return to my hometown and use the gold at will for the benefit of humanity.hhah.*poyo gile ayat.

ok but the story is this,,a loong-loong time ago i was eating at the food court of my faculty and somehow get rather exited over this new ice-cream stall*(i have this thing for sweet things).accidentally i left my water bottle there.the kind of water bottle that you would expect from a kid who got forced to go to school and hi mom bought him this very cute,adorable with contrasting colors of green and red cap.*(try go to jusco and to the bottles > bros > 750ml,,you will find the above describes water bottle).and,yes i do post this on my status*( if you follow my facebook page).
after realizing that i said to myself "ahh,biarlah.confirm hilang punya,pifft.botol BARUU!".hha.but hey,,i love that bottle ok.

but then,the next day i ate at the same food court again and guess what*(wow,,you're a very good guesser!applause!!) the bottle is there.and that moment i said to myself,,so malaysia isnt corrupted as i thought it will be.i thought the makcik cleaner akan amik and use my bottle for her own good.to fill it with water cooler water or daily nescafe with coffee mate.hhah

but the thing is,there is still some malaysians that you can trust,for instance,this is one of the comments that my friend wrote under the status that i've made

".kalw kaw tertinggal botol,aritu aku tertinggal rm20 kat cafe,then i didn't come back because i know,confirm dah kene kebas.after a few days kan,ader note tampal kat dinding,"sesiape hilang rm20 pade 5jan,sile tuntut di kaunter".awwww.yeah,there's still people we can trust in this whirl:))))"-sitiamananibteselamat

maybe its not malaysia that is corrupted,its our mindset*(ok i admit that mine was pretty negative towards malaysians and now i appologize for it).if we change our mindset and be more optimistic bout things,things can change and damn well it must be cause my bottle prove it right dudes!

and for that i declare,muhammadadam sayangkan Malaysia.biarlah takda artis terkenal,or the most cleanest highway,ataupun kereta mewah yang layak dibanggakan seperti porche.but malaysians still got heart and that worth more than any dollar amerika yang ada di bank dunia dan FULLSTOP

p/s;raaawer;) 15/16 january,i'll remember you always;))

Sunday, January 16, 2011

someone must have something to tell

"life have its purposes.more than just to life and pas by.to learn something and to share everything."

i have no idea on how to write a blog actually.im kind of a psycho-perfectionist-bitch in a way.deleted my previously opened blog because it felt empty and no better info to share rather than my uninteresting-midlife-crisis.then this new blog came n well,nothing changes.the ever so uninteresting-boring-typical aura clouded this blog for a while now.even normality is waaay better than this.
but come to think bout it,there are many people in the world.people that have stories that i don't have.stories of breakdowns,success,failures,breakups and also happy endings.so a new vision and vision.to explore the worlds through my eyes but directed by people around me.i will try,no success in waiting and no failure in trying.stories to tell,stories to show.begin and end not under my control.