Sunday, January 16, 2011

someone must have something to tell

"life have its purposes.more than just to life and pas learn something and to share everything."

i have no idea on how to write a blog kind of a psycho-perfectionist-bitch in a way.deleted my previously opened blog because it felt empty and no better info to share rather than my uninteresting-midlife-crisis.then this new blog came n well,nothing changes.the ever so uninteresting-boring-typical aura clouded this blog for a while now.even normality is waaay better than this.
but come to think bout it,there are many people in the world.people that have stories that i don't have.stories of breakdowns,success,failures,breakups and also happy a new vision and explore the worlds through my eyes but directed by people around me.i will try,no success in waiting and no failure in trying.stories to tell,stories to show.begin and end not under my control.


  1. stories of breakdowns,success,failures,breakups and also happy endings.

    cem kat blog aku jek.haha.

  2. hha,then i should copy ur blog n buat review for every post.hhah

  3. hahaha.sengal.i don't mind pon.go kondemn me.haa.
