Monday, January 17, 2011

i look at the brits,i love the japaneese but still i love to be a malaysian.

"hujan batu di negeri sendiri,hujan emas di negara orang,lebih baik hujan batu,,blah3!"

ok,,ternyata aq lupaa peribahasa yang aku cuba ungkapkan kat atas.but still,after more than 10 years of hearing that idiom and using it every time i wrote a BM essay,still i didn't understand what it means.

well for starters,if there is a choice between taking the free rocks and the shining-worth-a-lot gold,,i will still choose the latter instead of the gray colored rocks.but i will sure return to my hometown and use the gold at will for the benefit of humanity.hhah.*poyo gile ayat.

ok but the story is this,,a loong-loong time ago i was eating at the food court of my faculty and somehow get rather exited over this new ice-cream stall*(i have this thing for sweet things).accidentally i left my water bottle there.the kind of water bottle that you would expect from a kid who got forced to go to school and hi mom bought him this very cute,adorable with contrasting colors of green and red cap.*(try go to jusco and to the bottles > bros > 750ml,,you will find the above describes water bottle).and,yes i do post this on my status*( if you follow my facebook page).
after realizing that i said to myself "ahh,biarlah.confirm hilang punya,pifft.botol BARUU!".hha.but hey,,i love that bottle ok.

but then,the next day i ate at the same food court again and guess what*(wow,,you're a very good guesser!applause!!) the bottle is there.and that moment i said to myself,,so malaysia isnt corrupted as i thought it will be.i thought the makcik cleaner akan amik and use my bottle for her own fill it with water cooler water or daily nescafe with coffee mate.hhah

but the thing is,there is still some malaysians that you can trust,for instance,this is one of the comments that my friend wrote under the status that i've made

".kalw kaw tertinggal botol,aritu aku tertinggal rm20 kat cafe,then i didn't come back because i know,confirm dah kene kebas.after a few days kan,ader note tampal kat dinding,"sesiape hilang rm20 pade 5jan,sile tuntut di kaunter".awwww.yeah,there's still people we can trust in this whirl:))))"-sitiamananibteselamat

maybe its not malaysia that is corrupted,its our mindset*(ok i admit that mine was pretty negative towards malaysians and now i appologize for it).if we change our mindset and be more optimistic bout things,things can change and damn well it must be cause my bottle prove it right dudes!

and for that i declare,muhammadadam sayangkan Malaysia.biarlah takda artis terkenal,or the most cleanest highway,ataupun kereta mewah yang layak dibanggakan seperti porche.but malaysians still got heart and that worth more than any dollar amerika yang ada di bank dunia dan FULLSTOP

p/s;raaawer;) 15/16 january,i'll remember you always;))

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